The Post I NEVER Wanted to Write

As much as I don’t want to believe it I have to accept the fact that LeBron James is an NBA Champion. I really despise LeBron as a person but as a player I can’t deny the fact that he is a great basketball player. For all the jokes that we’ve had about LeBron not having a ring, we can now dispatch them from our repertoire. He has got revenge on all of us, a revenge that is so irreversible that none of us can do anything about it. He won the “big one” and not only did he win but he was “the man”. He made Kevin Durant actually look young and inexperienced, he exposed Durant’s inability to play good defense and made it hard to believe that Durant was this year’s scoring champion. The king finally got his ring and will forever be etched in history as an NBA champion.

  • However, several things had to take place for this to happen in my opinion.
  • The Thunder defeated three of the past four NBA Champions and then all of the sudden start having issues with Scott Brooks.
  • Scott Brooks declines a contract extension.
  • The aging Celtics take the Heat 7 games despite having injury issues causing a lack of depth
  • Derrick Rose getting hurt in the playoffs, thus making the Bulls just another team
  • David Stern vetoes the trade sending Chris Paul to the Lakers, which I still feel would have put them over the top in the West and would have triggered other moves that would have led to better bench players.

 I know these all sound like excuses, maybe they are, maybe they’re just good luck for the Heat. Nonetheless, things had to fall into place for the Heat to win and you can’t deny them capitalizing on those things to win, but it just feels incomplete. I think I am just bitter cause I tend to be more old school and don’t like how the Heat, LeBron especially, over celebrate. Too be excited is one thing but these guys were celebrating before they even played a game. They play to the crowd more than a WWE wrestler, play basketball not try to draw pop or heat (no pun intended). I mean with four minutes left in the game they were jumping up and down like bunch of kids, I would expect that from high school kids or even if it was the NCAA Finals. These are grown men act like you’ve been there and act like a winner, be gracious in victory as you would in defeat.

To sum it up I realize that I don’t dislike LeBron James because of his skills on the court, my dislike pretty much stems from his antics and attitude. For as much as people say that he works hard on his game I think the biggest facet that he needs to work on he doesn’t. If he were to develop a solid post game no one would be able to guard him, he’d be too fast for bigs and too strong against guards. LeBron definetly has a chance to be one of the top-10 players of all-time, but he still has some work to be mentioned in the same conversation as Jordan and Kobe. LeBron is the complete package and the most insane physical specimen the NBA has ever seen but talent and what you do with it are two different things. If LeBron gets at least 3 championships he will get talked about among the all-time greats.

    • Felix Meza
    • June 23rd, 2012

    heeeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Well done heats!. Nice story and very informative.

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