How to Lose Your Swag in 15 minutes

Heading in to this year’s playoffs the team no one wanted to play in the first round was the Memphis Grizzlies. Now a little over a week into the playoff the Grizzlies find themselves down 3-1 to the Los Angeles Clippers. Not to discount the Clippers effort on the court which has earned them almost every hustle play in the series, but they are playing a team that has lost every ounce of swag they had.

In game 1 the Grizzlies started off hot and pretty much closed the book midway thru the third quarter but no one told the Clippers the game was over. The Clippers were down as many as 27 points and rallied back to win the game. However, I don’t think the Clipper defensive effort was as amazing as the Grizzlies offensive effort was lousy. Tony Allen was shooting air-ball 3-pointers and Zach Randolph was going up weak and off-balance inside when he is known for banging inside the paint. In game 2 the Grizzlies were able to save face by at least splitting their first 2 home games guaranteeing them at least a game 5 at home.

Games 3 and 4 were both close but it was clearly evident that when the Grizzlies were able to tie the game or take a slight lead, they would give the game right back up. For a team that no one wanted to play, the Grizzlies are one game away from an early exit from the playoffs. Losing a 27-point lead at home is definitely a swag killer. The Clippers who still may need some experience are no joke; they are deep and have a nice mixture of young players and veterans. If Memphis wants to have a chance they have to be dominant inside with Randolph and Marc Gasol, and leave Rudy Gay in isolation plays especially against smaller defenders. I don’t think Memphis has enough left in the tank to overcome this deficit, the Clippers are the only team besides the Thunder that really matched up well with Grizzlies. I think the San Antonio Spurs are breathing a huge sigh of relief after losing to the Grizzlies in the first round of last year’s playoffs

    • jumpingpolarbear
    • May 8th, 2012

    The games have been very close, but Randolph not being a 100 percent has hurt Memphis. Would be cool if the Clippers go far, the atmosphere at their home games is fantastic.

    • I agree I think if Randolph was 100% he would be punishing Griffin in the block. It’s cool that people are their it’s just sad that a lot of people are there only as bandwagon jumpers or people who just don’t like the Lakers.

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